Back Again

I was so bored, I couldn't sleep because it was cold and the ground was hard, so I tried to eat something but I was so sick of crackers after eating them all week. I was about to pitch them but I figured I would do something nice and ask some random guy hanging out near an interactive job computer station if he wanted them. I thought he was deaf at first because he kept saying "what?" but it turns out he was from the Czech Republic. He thought I was very funny (why? does my humor break the language barrier?) and hung out with me the rest of the night, so at least if I wasn't sleeping I wasn't bored. Of course he had the very Eastern-European name of Stanislav.

I finally got to my apartment at 10:00 and felt so gross I immediately got into the shower (still wearing my clothes, of course, they needed washing as badly as I did) and couldn't go right to sleep as I desperately needed, having been awake since 6:30 the day before, but instead had to gather by things and take two finals as well as turn in a fantastic literature story worth half of my grade. The final is the other half. I managed to stay awake until about eight last night and then collapsed for thirteen hours. It was blissful.
Now, of course, I have my last final in an hour after which I am completely done. Super, super.
You flying back into State College? Do you need someone to pick you up?
Happy birthday kiddo. I'm moving to NYC next saturday, you should come by for a visit.
Erin: flying into Philly, then waiting an excruciating three and a half hours for a flight home to Pittsburgh. Thanks, though. By the way: I'll be working at Carmike again this summer, aka free movies all the time. Rock!
yay free movies! happy birthday! i like popcorn! glad you'll be around this summer! i'm working like crazy at MRI, no free stuff here :( what a waste. i'm also taking 12 credits over the summer. got to get all As because then I'll have my GPA where I want it for the big job search. i wish they'd post who's teaching the africa french class so i can see if it's the head of the department or one of his grad students. at least you're not waiting 3 and a half hours to fly into State College (like if you drove you'd already be back!) Call me/email me when you're back!
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